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Dental Probiotics have become a popular topic for overall health and wellness. As time goes on , new products emerge which help with various conditions . Among these products are dental probiotics. Dental probiotics claim to balance the the collection of all microbes, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their genes that inhabit the human oral cavity by potentially reducing harmful bacteria and increasing beneficial ones.
First of all what are dental probiotics ? Dental probiotics are supplements that work to help maintain the ideal balance of good and bad bacteria in the mouth. They may be useful for issuues like cavities, bad breath etc . There is need to understand their benefits, safety and effectiveness before adding them to your daily dental care routine . In this post , we take a closer llok at the potential benefits , side effects and also the right way ro use them
Types of dental probiotics
Dental probiotics are designed so the bacteria concentrate in the mouth. Most come in drops, mouth mints, chewable tablets, or lozenges. This keeps the beneficial bacteria in the mouth longer than if swallowed. Concentrating the bacteria in the mouth allows it a better chance to join forces with the normal microflora. Probiotics can also be found in chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash and probiotic drinks Let’s take a closer look at the different types of oral probiotics that are available.
Lozenges, chewablw tablets and mouth mints are pill form oral probiotics , these are the most common types of products available for oral health . They are easy to use , some of them require refrigeration while others sit out on the cabinet .They are also easy to take on the go for busy lifestyles.
Chewing Probiotic containing gum
This has been studied for potential oral benefits . It increases salivary flow and neutralizes PH levels and improves bad breath . According to a certain study- chewing gum with probiotics may partially improve breath better than regular gum in youger adults . Pribiotic gum may help temporarily reduce oral inflammation markers as well .
Toothpaste reduces gingivitis to freshening breath and it is an essential part of maintaining health teeth. Probiotic toothpaste may better inhibit some disease – causing bacteria in the mouth than your regular toothpaste . It may also help prevent oral infections, cavities, and periodontal disease.
Other types includes Oral probiotic drops, mouthwash
Before we dive into the benefits of dental probiotics, lets look at some diseases that have been associated with imbalance in oral bacteria . These include the following below
- Tooth loss
- Tooth decay
- Periodontal disease
- Halitosis etc
Having known the diseases associated with oral bacteria imbalance , the following are the benefits of Dental probiotics
- Prevents development of Cavities
- Helps in managing gingivitis and periodical diseases especially by lactobacillus reuteri – a probiotic bacteria
- Useful for controlling bad breath especially by a probiotic bacteria known as W. Cibaria
Side effects can occur for most people using probiotics and they calso considered safe for most people. Below are some of the side effects of probiotics
- allergic reactions
- infections
- Intestinal disturbances
Know this – there is yet a research to fully understand the potential of probiotics for oral health . Right now , there is no standard on the effective dosage for managing and preventing specific diseases. There are so many probiotics available in the market , it is hard to know which one may be best for each condition . Emerging studies also support their use for improving common oral conditions. However, each person should discuss their medical and dental history with a medical provider before deciding which product to use.
Choosing the best dental probiotics- Our Recommendation
If you’re looking to support your dental health, you might want to check out our best Recommendation below
Check it out Here