The Carnivore Diet- Food benefits and Risks


The Carnivore Diet is a diet plan rich in animal protein with zero carbohydrates. This is inspired by the jetogenic diet which promotes hight -fat intake . In this post , you will learn more about this new trend so that you can decide if it is the right diet for you

Before we continue, you need to note the following below

  • The carnivore diet recommends high protein intake and meals primarily include meat , game, poultry and seafood
  • The carnivore diet does not include vegetables or fruits
  • The carnivore diet is not sustainable for most people. According to preliminary findings, high meat intake raises cholesterol levels in most people
Different Diet categories

In animal kingdom, species can be categorized by their diet , these includes the following

  • Herbivore
  • Carnivores
  • Omnivores

Most humans fall into the third category and eat various foods from plants and animal sources . On the other hand, there are people who eat only plant foods, they are known as vegans

What is the carnivore diet?

As earlier said , this is a diet that is rich in protein and fat and has zero carbohydrate. This diet was inspired by the ketogenic diet, which is a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss. The carnivore diet is more restrictive . It was created in 2019 by shawn Baker – a physician who specilizes in arthopedic surgery and he experimented with the carnivore diet himself before realeasing his book .

carnivore diet

However, critics and peers in the medical field do not totally agree with Baker’s idea . They said that eating meat can be expensive and is not appealing to many people. In addition to that , the carnivore diet lacks essential nutrients to keep you healthy .  If you considering this type of diet, then it is advisable that you seek the advice of your doctor before engaging with it .

Let us mention the foods that are allowed in the carnivore diet. These includes- Poultry , beef, lamb. pork , seafood, fish etc

Benefits of Carnivore Diet 

According to self-reported accounts from people following the diet, people felt better overall after following the carnivore diet. Some people had lower blood sugar levels, which is consistent with other low-carb eating patterns

Risks involved in carnivore diet

This diet does not include vegetables , fruits, and grains, so the body will be lacking the vitamins and fibre intake  provided by these nutrients .

A diet with low fibre content can affect your health, which includes an increased risk of bowel cancer, digestive diseases , weight management problems, and constipation.

As earler said, a carnivore diet can increase your cholesterol levels and this is not good for people trying to improve the health of their hearts. It is recommended that you decrease your meat intake and add more plant -based proteins in your diet if you wish to improve your heart health

Is carnivore Diet recommended?

The carnivore diet is a highly restrictive approach to eating. There are very limited food choices, restrictions, and these may lead to a nutrient deficiency, thereby worsening your health .

Before making a diet change , you need to be educated , learn everything you can from your healthcare team to ensure your safety.

According to the USDA, the healthiest diet is one that you can easily follow and that aligns with your cultural preferences . You should also focus on building a diet plan that makes you feel satisfied and energized if you desire to improve your health .

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